News & Announcements
RTH Summer Enrichment Program (SEP), Accepting Applications NOW!
Weekly Tuition payment via ProCare/ Money Order. Breakfast, Lunch, and snacks provided. Activities include: Gym games– kick ball, soccer, basketball, Red Light Green Light, Pac Man tag, and more! Weekly field trips to destinations such as Extreme Craze, Canobie Lake, and more!
RTH is Hiring
Elder Program Manager
The Elder Program Manager will be responsible for planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating a comprehensive portfolio of Age Well programs and activities. The ideal candidate will ensure that programs meet the current and future needs of residents while aligning with RTH’s mission, guiding principles, and strategic plan.
RTH Community Events
Membership Appreciation Day: 1/22
Social Skills for Success: 1/30, 5:30pm
Roller World Family Trip: 2/1, 12pm
Chinese Lunar New Year: 2/2, 6pm
Mental Health Series: 2/6, 12:30pm
Anatomy of a Chicken: 2/11, 6pm
Teens Applying for Jobs: 2/14, 4pm
Snow Tubing Family Trip: 2/15, 9:30am
When Children Stood Up: 2/19, 4pm
More events to come! Stay tuned!
New Winter and Spring 2025 Programming Available!
Community News
Our Neighborhood
Learn more about our state-of-the-art facilities, built to create a safe, welcoming place for our RTH residents and the local community.
Community Calendar
Explore the variety of programs and events we offer residents and the local community.
Property Map
View a detailed and interactive map of the various recreational areas and buildings within the RTH community.