Neighborhood Map

Here at RTH, we are proud to manage a diverse, multi-purpose neighborhood that provides affordable housing to low- and moderate-income families. Below, you can preview our properties and recreational areas that stretch from the Riverway to Huntington Ave.

On the map, you will see green bubbles with trees in them, showing parks and community spaces, and blue bubbles with a building in them, showing housing options. Click on them to see the range of properties and amenities maintained for the well-being of our residents. Each bubble includes the name of the location, a photo, and a brief description. Use ctrl with the wheel on your mouse to zoom in, or if on a mobile device, you can pinch to zoom.

For questions about any of the properties, please reach out at (617) 232-4306.

MAP KEY: marker-buildingBuildings  marker-recreation Recreation Areas   Use Mouse to zoom.