Resident Services
The Resident Services Department at RTH is here to provide you with one-on-one assistance with everything from getting settled, to understanding legal documentation, to developing life skills. Our goal is to help you find connection, community, and independence as you settle into our neighborhood.
Housing is hard! But we can help.
Contact Info and Hours of Operation
Call us anytime at: 617 232-4306 ext. 306
Monday, Wednesday, Friday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Visit our office in the Parks Community Building at:
2 New Whitney Street, Second Floor
Boston, MA 02115
Welcome to RTH! Our goal is to make sure you have the information and resources you need to be independent and happy in your home. If you have a question, all you have to do is ask!
So, what exactly do we do?
First, we want to help you get settled at RTH. We will provide you with information about RTH’s services, programs, and mission, so you know exactly who we are and how we can help you.
Next, we want to support you in as many ways as we can. We provide translation services for Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, and Cantonese. We can connect you to community-based and income-related benefits, including doctors, mental health and substance abuse counselors, Meals on Wheels, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. If needed, we can help you find legal aid, rental assistance, education support, or apply for SSI/SSDI, TAFDC, and SNAP. We also serve as a liaison between you and RTH Property Management, with a focus on problem solving.
We even offer you support with things like goal setting and meditation. We sponsor programs including Senior Service Chats, coffee hours in multiple languages, parent groups, boys’ and girls’ groups, as well as workshops on topics such as life skills, home ownership, and financial literacy.
Whatever you’re looking for, whether it’s help with something in your house, new friends, or personal development opportunities, we’re here to help!
We want you to be happy, healthy, and whole.
And we’re here if you need us.
Additional Services
Translation: We have a team of translators who speak Russian, Mandarin, Cantonese, and Spanish if you need something translated.
Computer & Internet: If you need access to a computer or the internet, you can call us to reserve time to use ours!
Resident Services Staff
Director of Resident Services
[email protected] | 617-232-4306 ext. 306
Scott Amaral is the Director of Resident Services, and began working at RTH in 2001 after graduating from Simmons University with a Master’s degree in social work with a concentration in Gerontology. He worked at RTH for four years until moving on to other opportunities to broaden his working experience in senior housing, and returned to RTH in 2013 in his current role.